It was a hot, August evening at Texas Christian University (TCU) in 2013 when Monica Dziak and Austin Wallis first met at Austin’s luau-themed fraternity party. Monica can’t recall if it was Austin’s Hawaiian shirt, his persistence in talking to her that night, or the “trashcan punch” being served – but she knew there was

“I wasn’t looking for a relationship,” says Christine D’Ercole. “My focus was on getting my daughter to graduation, and my own healing. If someone did come along, I certainly didn’t expect it to be a man.”As a cycling instructor at Peloton, Christine and her fellow instructors scan the leaderboard for interesting member names to shout

Angela Nordstrom and Colin Dresser knew each other as kids, having spent many summers on Whidbey Island playing together on the beach. However, the romantic spark didn’t start until after college, when they reconnected as young adults at a college football tailgate.“I remember thinking how he’d grown up well and seemed super sweet,” Angela recalls.

Maria Lailina Porter and Frank Scarpulla were first introduced in NYC through mutual friends who were also work colleagues. For the first couple of years, the two developed a friendship that “felt familiar – as if we had a connection; one where you feel someone just naturally gets you.” Conversation was easy, likes and dislikes

Satnam Bhail and Sunny Deol say they first met through their “very nosy moms,” who were friends at the local Sikh temple. For years, the mothers schemed to get the couple together before it actually happened. Satnam was averse to the idea of dating or marrying someone introduced by her mom. Sunny, on the other

Dr. Salia Farrokh BCCCP, FNCS and Dr. William H. Merwin III M.D. first met through a window in a critical care unit at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. Initially, the two doctors connected over their mutual love of fitness and medicine, which led to regularly talking and texting. About a year later, William officially asked Salia

Michelle Parcell and Travis Durbin first met through mutual friends in high school. Although nothing romantic came from it at the time, they both always had an eye for each other. Fast forward six years, when they reconnected, and it took Travis six months of convincing for Michelle to agree to a first date. Ever

Linzie Roberts and Ryan Burkitt met in Oklahoma City through the bride’s best friend and matron of honor. Linzie’s best friend and her husband had moved into an apartment complex in the heart of Oklahoma City, and she was always on the lookout for a potential suitor since Linzie was the one who introduced her

With both Erica and Jordan being dentists, people often ask if they met each other in dental school. However, it was Tia’s Waterfront – a bar in Boston – where they first crossed paths, and their two different dental schools were rivals.July 27, 2015 was a life changing day for Erica. Not only was it

In 2011, Sasha Littig and Sky Stone were both attending college in Santa Barbara. The two students first met during their English Lit class, when Sky noticed a total “smoke show” sitting on the opposite site of the classroom. Since Sasha was one of the first out the door, Sky pushed his way through a

Gabriella Tangredi and Cainaan Lacy met through mutual friends at the young age of 15. They instantly clicked and made each other laugh, and the two teens started dating after they turned 16.For the proposal, Cainaan tricked Gabriella into thinking they were going to his dad’s 60th “surprise” birthday party, which just happened to be

It was in 2017 when Dinah-Vera Moll and Kevin Yu’s love story began with a “swipe right.” After a first date with endless conversations over a foot massage and Italian food, things took an unexpected turn. Dinah fell ill to a rare autoimmune disease that paralyzed her legs. Being stuck in the hospital, Kevin came

Christine Welcker and Robert Bartholomew met almost 30 years ago, when they were both married to their former spouses. They were both part of a social group of couples who would get together for movies, dinners, and birthdays several times a year.“During that time, Rob was also kind enough to provide enormous personal and professional

“Denis and I ended up meeting and hanging out for the first time at his best friend’s house,” says Melody Mirzakhani, recalling how she and Denis Barsamian instantly had a connection. “Even though we were really young at the time, we knew very quickly that we both enjoyed each other’s company. After spending some more

Brittany moved from New York to the Washington D.C. area for work, where dating apps failed her time and time again. That is, until one Sunday in 2015, when she dragged her roommate Mary to a bar called Atown in Arlington, Virginia to meet up with a guy from a dating app. The dating app

Ava Lowry & James O’Shaughnessy first met through a mutual friend in college. The two were neighbors at the same apartment complex and had a few classes together, but nothing ever went further than friendly exchanges. Ava always thought James was a nice guy and a definite “catch,” but she never imagined running into him

October is a significant month for Alexandra Moriyon and Michael Stark. It’s the month when they first met, and it’s the month they chose for their wedding date.“Our love story began October 2019 at our church,” Alexandra shares. “We both attend Grace Church on the Mount. I have been attending there my whole life and

Rachel Boschetti comes from a family of dentists, but she never imagined she would end up marrying one – that is, until she met Sandy Perez during the first year of dental school at Tufts University in Boston, Massachusetts.“Although I was born and raised in Boston,” Rachel shares, “Sandy was born in Cuba and moved

In the Spring of 2017, Benjamin St-Juste slid into Julia Hall’s DMs when they were freshmen at the University of Michigan. After deciding to hang out together, the two students quickly realized they had a lot more in common than they thought, and thoroughly enjoyed spending time together. Julia left school for the summer, not

Abigail Katznelson and Christopher Polizois met through a mutual best friend. Like most modern love stories, however, their attraction grew gradually after multiple years of casual nights out with friends and great memories.“When we moved in to our first one-bedroom together in December of 2019, we had no idea the universe would be sending us

Cindy and Mark Benezra’s original journey to the altar started a little over two decades ago, with a gondolier singing a love song in Venice, and Mark getting down on one knee with a ring box in one hand. “Obviously, I said ‘Yes,’” says Cindy, “and we both ended up on our knees kissing and

Toria Aronoff and Brian Schottenstein, both from Ohio, met at a restaurant one December night. It didn’t take long during their initial conversation before they realized how much they had in common. “Quickly, all others in the room disappeared as we really enjoyed getting to know each other,” Toria recalls. “From that night forward, we

Therese Lahlouh first met Daniel Del Toro in 2012, when she moved back to Los Angeles from NYC.“I started working at CAA,” she shares, “and Danny worked at the coffee shop in the building in addition to his job in post-production. He was a fixture in many of our lives, and affectionately known as the